6 minute read

Analyzing the Correlation Between Running Stride Length and Average Pace Per Mile

from datascience import *
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plots
import numpy as np

Importing the Data

The data generating process was as follows: I went on my run. Once I finished my run, I saved it. I uploaded the run to my iPhone via bluetooth. Once the running data uploaded, I exported a CSV file of the data to my computer.

Here is a link to the google sheets version of the data. For reference, the watch I used to collect this data is the COROS Pace 2.

As a side note, this statistical analysis only takes into account one run. In the future I plan to run a more comprehensive analysis because it is essential to have a variety of data to truly prove a statistical relationship. However, this is a good jumping-off point.

The following running data is from an 18 mile long run. I started at 6:39 mile pace and closed in 5:27 for the last mile. As it was progressive, I chose to analyze the linear relationship between stride length as running pace increases. For the actual analysis, I used the column that contains minutes per kilometer rather than minutes per mile. We are also, for the purpose of this project, holding constant external factors such as elevation gain per mile, heart rate, and prior muscle fatigue.

progressive_longrun_data = Table.read_table("ProgressiveLongRun.csv")
progressive_cleaned = progressive_longrun_data.take(np.arange(0,18,1))
Split Time Moving Time Distance Elevation Gain Elev Loss Avg Pace Avg Moving Pace Best Pace Avg Run Cadence Max Run Cadence Avg Stride Length Avg HR Max HR Avg Temperature Calories
1 0:06:39 0:06:39 1.61 0 31 0:04:08 0:04:05 0:03:39 82 84 148 128 147 24 48
2 0:06:33 0:06:33 1.61 6 30 0:04:04 0:04:03 0:03:46 82 83 150 141 145 22 63
3 0:06:33 0:06:33 1.61 27 21 0:04:04 0:04:08 0:03:47 83 86 149 149 154 20 59
4 0:06:31 0:06:31 1.61 16 31 0:04:03 0:04:04 0:03:54 82 85 150 151 153 21 70
5 0:06:33 0:06:33 1.61 56 15 0:04:04 0:04:06 0:03:14 84 89 147 148 156 21 58
6 0:06:31 0:06:31 1.61 5 31 0:04:03 0:04:02 0:03:52 82 85 150 155 165 23 72
7 0:06:29 0:06:29 1.61 49 0 0:04:02 0:04:01 0:03:51 84 87 148 167 172 23 70
8 0:06:31 0:06:27 1.61 34 4 0:04:00 0:04:01 0:03:47 84 86 148 165 173 24 68
9 0:06:27 0:06:27 1.61 7 29 0:04:00 0:04:01 0:03:48 83 85 151 159 167 25 65
10 0:06:21 0:06:21 1.61 0 34 0:03:57 0:03:57 0:03:52 83 84 154 162 170 25 78
11 0:06:15 0:06:15 1.61 0 35 0:03:53 0:03:53 0:03:38 83 85 155 165 169 25 69
12 0:06:12 0:06:12 1.61 34 24 0:03:51 0:03:53 0:03:37 84 88 154 165 170 24 68
13 0:06:05 0:06:05 1.61 15 32 0:03:47 0:03:49 0:03:28 84 89 157 159 167 24 66
14 0:05:55 0:05:55 1.61 46 17 0:03:41 0:03:41 0:02:46 86 90 159 164 176 23 67
15 0:05:51 0:05:51 1.61 17 30 0:03:38 0:03:39 0:03:23 84 86 163 168 173 24 71
16 0:05:46 0:05:46 1.61 48 1 0:03:35 0:03:38 0:03:29 87 89 162 171 177 23 72
17 0:05:39 0:05:39 1.61 38 5 0:03:31 0:03:32 0:03:24 86 89 165 172 179 23 61
18 0:05:27 0:05:27 1.61 9 22 0:03:23 0:03:21 0:02:53 87 91 169 173 180 24 74

Initial Visualization of the Data

We want to look at an initial visualization of the data so that we can see if there are any obvious patterns. Upon initial inspection, there looks to be good possibility for a linear relationship between average running pace and average stride length.

progressive_cleaned.scatter("Avg Pace", "Avg Stride Length")
plots.xlabel("Average Running Pace (Minutes per Kilometer)")
plots.ylabel("Average Stride Length (Centimeters)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Average Stride Length (Centimeters)')


In the initial visualization of the data, it becomes apparent that the minutes and second display on the x axis isn’t very elegant. Consequently, I spent the following lines of code converting the average pace per kilometer from a minutes and seconds version to purely seconds form.

import datetime
string_version = [str(i) for i in progressive_cleaned.column("Avg Pace")]
#modifying the running time in minutes per kilometer from elements in a numpy array to individual strings
updated_list = []
#creating an empty list that we can append the datetime version of the strings to
for i in string_version:
    date_time_version = datetime.datetime.strptime(i, "%H:%M:%S")
final_list = []
#the final list for which we are going to append the time in seconds per kilometer
for i in updated_list:
    a_timedelta = i - datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
    seconds = a_timedelta.total_seconds()
running_pace_vs_stride_length = Table().with_column("Average Running Pace", final_list).with_column("Average Stride Length", progressive_cleaned.column("Avg Stride Length"))
Average Running Pace Average Stride Length
248 148
244 150
244 149
243 150
244 147
243 150
242 148
240 148
240 151
237 154
233 155
231 154
227 157
221 159
218 163
215 162
211 165
203 169
running_pace_vs_stride_length.scatter("Average Running Pace", "Average Stride Length")
plots.xlabel("Average Running Pace (Seconds per Kilometer)")
plots.ylabel("Average Stride Length (Centimeters)")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Average Stride Length (Centimeters)')


Now we have cleaned the data, dropped the unnecessary parts, and have a simple visualization of what we are going to look at in further detail. We have a two column table containing what we would like to analyze for this particular moment. Time for some statistical testing.

# Creating some functions that we will use to analyze the data.
#We need standard units so that we can run our correlation function.

def standard_units(x):
    """ Converts an array x to standard units """
    return (x - np.mean(x)) / np.std(x)

def correlation(t, x, y):
    """ Computes correlation: t is a table, and x and y are column names """
    x_su = standard_units(t.column(x))
    y_su = standard_units(t.column(y))
    return np.mean(x_su * y_su)
#generating the correlation coefficient
correlation(running_pace_vs_stride_length, "Average Running Pace", "Average Stride Length")

Wow! We generated a correlation coefficient of -0.98, which means there is almost an exactly proportionate decrease in stride length for an increase in the amount of seconds it take to complete each kilometer! However, a correlation coefficient alone is not enough. We need to also look at a linear regression line and plot the residuals.

#our slope and intercept functions
def slope(t, x, y):
    """ Computes the slope of the regression line, like correlation above """
    r = correlation(t, x, y)
    y_sd = np.std(t.column(y))
    x_sd = np.std(t.column(x))
    return r * y_sd / x_sd

def intercept(t, x, y):
    """ Computes the intercept of the regression line, like slope above """
    x_mean = np.mean(t.column(x))
    y_mean = np.mean(t.column(y))
    return y_mean - slope(t, x, y)*x_mean
slope_for_regression_line = slope(running_pace_vs_stride_length, "Average Running Pace", "Average Stride Length")
intercept_for_regression_line = intercept(running_pace_vs_stride_length, "Average Running Pace", "Average Stride Length")
#generating the predicted stride length from running pace and adding that to the table
predictions = slope_for_regression_line * running_pace_vs_stride_length.column("Average Running Pace") + intercept_for_regression_line
array([146.80771993, 148.75716338, 148.75716338, 149.24452424,
       148.75716338, 149.24452424, 149.7318851 , 150.70660682,
       150.70660682, 152.16868941, 154.11813285, 155.09285458,
       157.04229803, 159.9664632 , 161.42854578, 162.89062837,
       164.84007181, 168.73895871])
run_with_predictions = running_pace_vs_stride_length.with_column("Predicted Stride Length", predictions)
run_with_errors = run_with_predictions.with_column("Error", run_with_predictions.column("Average Stride Length") - run_with_predictions.column("Predicted Stride Length"))
Average Running Pace Average Stride Length Predicted Stride Length Error
248 148 146.808 1.19228
244 150 148.757 1.24284
244 149 148.757 0.242837
243 150 149.245 0.755476
244 147 148.757 -1.75716
243 150 149.245 0.755476
242 148 149.732 -1.73189
240 148 150.707 -2.70661
240 151 150.707 0.293393
237 154 152.169 1.83131
233 155 154.118 0.881867
231 154 155.093 -1.09285
227 157 157.042 -0.042298
221 159 159.966 -0.966463
218 163 161.429 1.57145
215 162 162.891 -0.890628
211 165 164.84 0.159928
203 169 168.739 0.261041
root_mean_squared_error = np.mean(run_with_errors.column("Error") ** 2) ** 0.5
run_with_errors.scatter("Average Running Pace")


Taking A Closer Look at the Residuals

From that plot, we can tell that the trend in the residuals looks good. The aim of any linear regression estimate is to generate residuals that appear as white noise. However, the plot is a little bit zoomed out. Let’s manipulate the x and y axis to generate a closer look at the residuals.

run_with_errors.scatter("Average Running Pace", "Error")


mean_stride_length = np.mean(run_with_errors.column("Average Stride Length"))
maximum_error = max(abs(run_with_errors.column("Error")))
2 / 154.38
root_mean_squared_error / mean_stride_length

With this zoomed in look, we can tell that most of our errors hover around the range +- 2. This means that our usual error is around 2 centimeters. That’s not a bad error. Given the mean stride length of 154, the predicted percentage of stride length that we will be off by is about 1.3 percent. That’s a darn good estimate. If we take into consideration the RMSE of 1.23, we take 1.23 / 154.38 and get a result of 0.007, which is 0.7 percent.


From analysis of the errors, and correlation coefficient of -0.98, we can conclude that linear prediction is a good indicator for calculating my stride length, given a running pace between 200 and 300 seconds per kilometer.

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